
To say Beverly and Jack King are world travelers, well, that’d be an understatement. They’ve not only visited over 35 countries, but all seven seas and continents as well – yes, that includes Antarctica! As a former middle and high school geography, English and science teacher, Beverly says, “I always wanted to dip my toes in all seven seas, and we did just that.”

Though people always ask which journey was their favorite, they have a hard time answering. “We’ve been to so many wonderful places and enjoyed them all,” notes Beverly. “Antarctica is so different from South Africa, so it’s so hard to compare. They’re all so unique in their own way.”

Wonderful places and new experiences are two reasons they’ve chosen to move to Presbyterian Village Athens. They say they’ve already met a number of their future neighbors at Founders Club social events, and everyone has been so nice. “They all have a variety of interests and backgrounds. It’ll be fun to see what new activities develop out of those interests when we’re all in one spot,” adds Jack.

Jack and Beverly are native Midwesterners who met while students at Iowa State University. When their two residential dorms joined forces to build a homecoming display, they found each other among all the chicken wire, tissues and paper napkins. Today, they’ve been happily married for 58 years.

After they married – with brief stops in Madison, Wisconsin; the University of Minnesota where Beverly earned her master’s degree; and Overland Park, Kansas – they found their way to Athens. That was 41 years ago when Jack, a veterinarian involved in research of poultry diseases, initially took a job at the University of Georgia. Shortly thereafter, he moved across the street to the U.S. Department of Agriculture from which he retired after nearly 30 years.

Jack and Beverly have three kids: a daughter who’s a pharmacist at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in Knoxville; a son who owns a restaurant in Tuscaloosa, Alabama; and a daughter and granddaughter here in Athens. Beverly says their kids are very happy about their move and ecstatic that Presbyterian Village Athens is helping with the downsizing, so they don’t have to. According to the couple, “We’ve shared a lot of laughs over that!”

Another great benefit of Presbyterian Village Athens Jack and Beverly say is its proximity to both downtown Athens and Watkinsville where they stay involved in the communities. The cultural arts, concerts series and sporting events at UGA, the theater, festivals, and politics all fill their active yet casual lifestyle, along with a close-knit circle of friends who love dining together.

“That’s part of why we’re really excited about Presbyterian Village Athens,” Jack says. “We have a long history in Athens and look forward to continuing our retirement in a place where we can stay connected and contribute. Also, the fact that they’ll offer care and support beyond Independent Living if needed.”

“We’re so grateful that Presbyterian Village Athens is coming to Athens,” Beverly adds. “We very much wanted that full continuum of care, which wasn’t available here until now.  It’s a good step forward.”

For their future home, the Kings have selected a bright and open 2-bedroom apartment with a den and beautiful kitchen that’ll get lots of use. You see, every Christmas season for the past 36 years, Jack bakes 36 pounds of fruit cake that they divide up among family and friends (but only for those who love to eat it!). One even gets shipped to England.

At the same time, Beverly gets busy baking lots of Kringla, a Norwegian cookie shaped in a figure eight. This annual tradition follows in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother, who was born in Norway. She adds, though, “We order the Lefse (a soft flatbread made from rice or potatoes) from a Wisconsin bakery. It’s far too time-consuming to make yourself!”

When it comes to fun and interesting people plus the active lifestyle and peace of mind you’re looking for, the Kings are proof they’ll all be found at Presbyterian Village Athens.

“We’re looking forward to a very good future and all the new people we’re going to meet!”

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