A ministry of love devoted to excellence.
Anchored in a spirit of care, kindness and hospitality, the Presbyterian Homes of Georgia name is synonymous with senior living excellence. At its core, this is a ministry of love. You see it in the confident faces of residents. You experience it in each interaction with our devoted team members. You feel it in the giving of time, talent and treasure by thousands of supporters and volunteers. And it’s there in the lasting covenant we’ve shared with Presbyterian churches statewide since we opened our first community in 1949.
As a nonprofit organization, we are single-minded in our commitment to service. With no shareholder profit interests to satisfy, any “profits” are reinvested in our communities for the benefit of current and future residents. This simple fact — supported by our devoted team, administration, and board of trustees — results in better quality of care, a strong commitment to staff training, and a more fulfilling experience for all residents, staff, and the greater community.
Presbyterian Homes of Georgia is a pioneer in senior living, serving people without regard to race, gender, religion, national origin, color, creed, or handicap status. And no resident has ever been asked to leave because of outliving their financial resources.
“Calvin Court has all the amenities I could hope for. And the staff is the greatest — always caring, smiling and loving.”
—Lucy W., resident
Celebrating 75 years of service to Georgia seniors

Dear Friends,
For 75 years, Presbyterian Homes of Georgia has been a ministry of compassionate care for senior adults. My grandfather, the Reverend Frank McElroy, Sr., founded Presbyterian Homes as the answer to a question an elderly church member asked him one Sunday: “Does our church have a place for older members who don’t want to become a burden to our families and friends?”
The answer to that question was the Presbyterian Home in Quitman, which opened September 1, 1949, with three female residents. Today, Presbyterian Homes of Georgia operates six communities across the state that are home to 1,300 residents and employee some 700 dedicated staff.
Our ministry is supported by the generosity of donors to the Caring Hands Fund, which provides a range of financial support to residents who need assistance. No resident has ever been asked to leave because his or her financial resources have been exhausted — and no one ever will. This is home for them as long as they need it. Our loving and compassionate donors make that commitment possible.
Thank you for your interest in Presbyterian Homes of Georgia. If you are considering a senior living community, you will find a wealth of information about Presbyterian Homes on this website, as well as contact information for any questions you may have. We would be happy to welcome you into our family!
Alex Patterson
President and CEO
“By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness …”
Galatians 5:22 (NRSV Updated Edition)

Location, location, location.
Explore the locations of our communities and the living and care options they offer.

Looking for a rewarding career?
Find fulfillment in a job you love, and a supportive environment dedicated to your growth and professional development.

Serve others through Caring Hands.
The Caring Hands Fund supports the ministry of Presbyterian Homes of Georgia. Learn how you can join in our mission to serve older adults.
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